Friday, December 30, 2005

Almost a New Year...

Well, it's been a while since I've posted, but I've been inspired. Something I'd like to share is my love of reading comics online. The following is a list of my favorites - it's extensive, but definitely worth exploring if you have the time....

These are comics I read during work:

My after-work comics:

  • General Protection Fault (Linux lover and I think he's a Christian)
  • Funny Farm (will there be a connection to GPF? Hmmm...)
  • User Friendly (Canadian. See: FBOFW. Geeky. See: GPF. What a combo!)
  • Penny Arcade (a little blue, but the most honest of the video game comics)
  • PvP (Player vs. Player. The Brent/Jade storyline is great)

Other comics that need to be mentioned:

  • Calvin & Hobbes (I just picked up the collection - I love that kid)
  • The Far Side (Gary Larson is a disturbed individual - and I would love to meet him. I don't think his comic is online, but here's his site. I have his collection, too)
  • Peanuts (my first exposure to comics. The only comics my mum had in her book collection, and I read everyone of them many times over. Thank you Mr. Schultz - RIP. I love your work)

I'm always open to check out new comics - online or newspaper or comic book. If I don't post for a while after this, have a blessed and happy new year!


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